Friday, May 23, 2008


SKR in Alaska, 2007

SKR with granddaughters Vyju, Mayuka and Atmika, celebrating
his 73rd birthday in New Jersey

by Vyju Mukundan

I am Vyju Mukundan, one of SKR's granddaughters. SKR was the best thatha ever. He was talanted, modest, kind hearted, and a great teacher. He always used to give good advice and tell remarkable stories that always had a good meaning. He was an extremly smart man and always had some quotes to say. He was outgoing and had a likeable personality. I always remember and treasure every moment I have spent with him. I will never forget the good times and the laughs we have had. I was very close to him. He was an amazing thatha and my very best friend. I miss him terribly and will continue to remember every moment we have spent. He will always be in my heart.

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